When deciding to bring a new pet into your home, it is essential that you consider whether or not you actually have time for an animal. Having the space and resources necessary for an animal to have a comfortable life is also important. The amount of time you have to dedicate to your new pet should inform you what kind of animal is appropriate to bring into your home.

If you really don’t have much time at all to dedicate to a pet, but you feel strongly about having animals nearby, go to the store and buy several birdfeeders, place them outside your window, and enjoy the view. Even a single goldfish in a bowl will require frequent feedings and you’ll need to wash the bowl – something that requires 24 hours of advance thought!

In general, the more intelligent an animal, the more time you’ll need to devote to it. Dogs, cats, ferrets and larger birds, for example, need daily attention. True, dogs will need the whole of your attention for longer than cats will, and the type of bird you get will determine whether that is fifteen minutes of playtime or an hour and a half of interaction minimum.

Lizards, snakes, fish, and rodents certainly fall under a different category, as you will likely spend more time caring for them than you will interacting with them- and it is as important to keep an animal’s habitat clean and healthy as it is to socialize with them.

All said and done- make sure to find out what the time commitment is for any animal you are considering bringing into your home so that whether you have a hermit crab or a rambunctious puppy, you can be confident it will be a well-cared for and loved creature.