Medication for dogs with mild arthritis is one way to help your dog deal with arthritis. Using daily dietary supplements that contain Glucosamine / Chondroitin / MSM or Glucosamine/Vitamin C which are specially formulated to be used to help improve the function of joints and connective tissues in your dog. Improving function in these areas can help your dog to maintain an active and healthy lifestyle.

For the mild to moderate pain and inflammation dogs with mild arthritis often deal with, discuss a vet formulated buffered aspirin for dogs. Under the supervision of your vet, a vet formulated buffered aspirin is safe and often the most recommended treatment for mild to moderate pain in dogs over six months of age. Remember, your dog’s stomach is extremely sensitive, therefore it is important to only use a buffered aspirin to avoid the corrosive effect of aspirin on your dog’s stomach. Never give your dog human aspirin as it is toxic to dogs. Always make an appointment with your vet to discuss any course of treatment and always follow your vet’s dosage amounts.

Talking to your vet about medications for dogs with mild arthritis and about the dosing and benefits supplements such as Glucosamine/Vitamin C and Glucosamine/Chondroitin/MSM can have as a medication for your dogs mild arthritis.