Being aware of the needs of your older canine or feline friends makes caring for them
easier, enhances your experience, and increases their quality of life. Here are some tips for doing just that:


Moderately exercise your older dog every day. Try not to overdo it. Watch for excess panting and drooping tail.

Feed your dog high quality dog food specific to his dietary needs, as advised by your veterinarian.

Be consistent with your dog’s routine and minimize household disruptions and stressful situations.

Groom your dog regularly, checking for lumps and bumps.

Keep your dog flea and parasite free using methods recommended by your vet.

Take your dog to the vet at least once a year. He or she will screen your dog for kidney, liver, and pancreatic cancers, and heart disease.

Pet and cuddle your dog frequently to let him know he is loved!


your veterinarian at least once a year for recommended vaccinations and
a complete physical examination including a fecal exam, blood work, and

Prevent your cat from becoming overweight by encouraging exercise and feeding her a proper diet.

Preventative dental health care is a key contributor to increasing both quality and length of life in cats.

Keep your cat flea and parasite-free, using methods recommended by your vet.

a diet formulated to meet the requirements of older cats. Nutritional
requirements begin to change when your cat reaches about eight years of

Use supplements such as antioxidants, chondroitin sulfate and
glucosamine to help slow the aging process and the onset of joint

especially older cats, like their privacy. Give your cat a warm, cozy
place to take uninterrupted naps away from children and other pets.

your cat regularly to prevent her from ingesting hair when she grooms
herself. Older cats may not be as fastidious as younger ones.

Prevent your cat from becoming overweight by encouraging exercise and feeding a proper diet.

Keep your cat indoors for health and safety reasons, especially after the age of 12.

Give your cat lots of love and attention every day!