Fever in Dogs and Cats

Your pet has a decreased appetite and lower energy. His ears are hot to the touch and he pants excessively in the house.

A fever is usually caused by a bacterial or viral infection. Having a high temperature makes it more difficult for bugs to grow in the body. The problem with a fever in pets is that they will often stop drinking; dehydration then becomes the primary concern. A normal dog’s temperature is 101 F (38.0 C), a normal cat’s temperature is 102 F (38.5 C). Taking your pet’s temperature involves placing a thermometer in their rectum. If your pet has a temperature of 103.5 F (39.5 C) or more, they have a fever.
Your pet usually will have a fever in response to something going on in their body. The most common cause, I find, is bite wounds. Search your dog or cat well for punctures.


KEEP THEM HYDRATED. Offer plenty of fresh water in different spots around the house. If your pet refuses to drink, use an eyedropper or turkey baster to squirt water into the side of its mouth. Minerals become depleted when your pet is dehydrated; for an added boost, add Pedialyte, an electrolyte solution available from the pharmacy. Some pets prefer chicken or beef broth, or tuna juice; give them whatever works.

CALL YOUR VETERINARIAN. If a fever persists for more than 24 hours, and your pet is not drinking, then call your vet.

COOL COMPRESS. If your pet will tolerate it, apply a cold cloth to her belly. The exposed skin will result in some fairly rapid cooling, making her feel a little better.

VIRAL HERBAL FEVER CONTROL. Two of the more common Fever/Viral remedies include CATNIP, BONESET and GINGER. You can combine the tincture, give 1 drop per pound twice daily.